TRC Quick Guides: Stereo System

Love music? If you're not playing it on a genuine stereo system, chances are you could love it a lot more.
A home stereo system includes two speakers for two good reasons. Most recordings have two separate and distinct channels. And you have two ears.
This guide will provide you with all the information you need to set up your own stereo system.
What is a stereo system?
When you listen in stereo, recorded music sounds more like a live performance. It's a feeling you won't get from a single wireless speaker.
Most stereo systems include three things:
1. Source
The most important audio component in your stereo is the source. The quality of the musical signal coming out of this first component defines the ultimate ability of any stereo system. Following are a few examples of a source:
Record Player
A record player is an instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus following the grooves of a record.
CD Player
CD Players play audio compact discs, which are a digital optical data storage format.
Digital Streamer
Digital Music Players are hardware capable of digital music playback.
2. Stereo amplifier
The purpose of a stereo amplifier is to receive a small electrical signal and have that signal sent to the speakers.
3. A matched pair of speakers
3.1 Active Speakers:
Active speakers have an in-built power amplifier and just need a power source (or battery) to operate.
If you want a speaker that can play loud with lots of bass or you want to be able to stream wirelessly to it, then an active speaker will fit the bill.
3.2 Passive Speakers:
A passive speaker draws its power from an external amp and is connected to that amp via speaker wire.
A passive stereo pair of speakers is the purest way to listen to music and our recommendation for anyone looking to get into records.
Stereo setup configurations:
There are 2 ways to configure a stereo setup:
1. Turntable + Active Speakers:
2. Turntable + Stereo Amplifier:
Wireless speakers
Some wireless multi-room speakers can be linked together in stereo mode. If you already have a wireless speaker, check to see if you can pair it with another identical speaker.
Setup and room conditions make a huge difference
Bare rooms have too much reflective space which causes bad sound. This can be avoided by using rugs, carpets and curtains in your room.
The speakers should form an equilateral triangle with your listening position. This means your speakers are the same distance apart from each other as they are from you.
How much should you spend on cables?
10% of your total budget should be allocated for cables. There are mainly three types of cables you will require to complete your stereo setup -
1. Speaker cables:
Used for the electrical connections between speakers and amplifier sources.
2. Interconnect cables:
Connects the source components to the amplifier.
3. Power cables:
Helps to enhance your audio experience by lowering the ground noise level resulting in more audio clarity and cleaner optics.
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