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Singer Song Writer Guide
Singer Songwriter
The voice is presumed to be the original musical instrument, and there is no human culture, no matter how remote or isolated, that does not sing. Not only is singing ancient and universal, in primitive cultures it is an important function associated not with matters vital to the individual, social group, or religion.It’s very likely that the earliest from of singing was very individual driven and rooted in improvisation, that is to say a simple imitation of sounds heard in nature.
Singer-songwriters are musicians who write, compose and sing their own musical material including lyrics and melodies. As opposed to contemporary popular music singers, the term singer-songwriter describes a distinct form of artistry, closely associated with the folk-acoustic tradition.
Singer-songwriters often provide the sole accompaniment to an entire composition or song, typically using a guitar or piano.The version of the singer-songwriter that we recognise today was born in the ‘60s.
Any songwriter worth their salt will tell you that the best song material is written from the heart. So if you’re not patient, you’ll give up.
As a songwriter it’s important to have knowledge of the song structure and the ability to play an instrument, as it will speed things along. It helps to have an instrument nearby to hear the music along with the lyrics. Being able to play an instrument could help you write better songs.Having skills in music theory will be an added benefit in your set of skills.
Key pointers to consider for singer songwriters :
There are some songs that start off because you have a great lyric in your mind and there are others that take shape due to a catchy melody in your head.Some songs might come while fiddling around with your musical instrument while other might come while running a few errands. The trick is to make it as quick and simple as possible to capture these ideas wherever and whenever they come.The best way to capture these ideas is using the device which we have with us at all times, our mobile phones. Write down your idea in any of the notes application or use the audio recording app in your phone to capture a melody using your voice.
You will see that over a period of time there will be tons of material to work from.
Inspiration :
A look into your own life and your surroundings can be a good starting ground to find inspiration for writing lyrics. Ponder over what kind of music that really speaks to you
and the kind of emotions and intentions you would want to share with others. Listen to other artists and different genres of music. It will help you understand music as a whole. But at the same time stay true to yourself and be original. Try not to copy other artists.
Song Composition :
What kind of emotions or thoughts you want to communicate to others, should form the central theme of your composition.
Start simple. Be modest!
There is no need to get into complicated writing just because your favourite musicians do so.
While there is no absolute right way to write a song, many people start out with writing meaningful lyrics, and then putting chords or melody to the words. You could try doing things the other way round as well. Writing a beautiful melody and chord progression, and coming up with the lyrics last.
Going Live :
Now that you have a couple of songs in your basket, it’s the time to gather courage and play it for a live audience. Perform your song/songs live at an open mic to get all the kinks out, and to see how an audience reacts to it.
You may also start simple by playing it for your family and friends first as playing in front of an unknown audience can be quiet overwhelming.
Record a song :
After you have been doing rounds of open mics for a couple of months, now would be good time to hit the studio to record your song.
With technology today, it’s easy to record your own songs with the right computer software and a quality microphone. Having a recording of your song, even if it is just a demo, will open many doors, especially if you want to become a singer-songwriter for your career. You can publish your song on YouTube, iTunes , Spotify and Soundcloud so potential fans, other artists, and established people in the music business can have access to your songs.
Collaborations :
For some people the idea of collaborating with other musicians can be quite daunting because they feel that it will compromise their music. The good part about collaboration is that instead of one mind you have many minds putting in the work for a song, which helps to bring different perspectives and a mix of styles to the table. Also, working with people who compliment your skillset, lightens the load and increases productivity. The biggest advantage of collaborating with someone who is more experienced than you, is that it will help you fine tune your skills and elevate you and your craft.
Make it a habit to practice your art daily. Be it coming up with song lyrics, chord progressions, melody or song structure. The more you practice the better you will get at it and also will make the process of songwriting second natur