The Legend of Big Zero

The Big Zero is one of the few Soviet-era watch designs that has endured the test of time and won over hearts around the globe. A black and white dial with large numerals and a big 0. A clear, practical, but radical design nonetheless!
Old experts from the Raketa factory say that it is simply more logical to start counting time from 0 when asked what motivated Soviet designers to create this daring design with a big 0. Time does indeed start at 0 just like everything else in our lives.
Gorbachev, the USSR's secretary general, popularised this design in the beginning. He was asked to clarify the meaning of "Perestroika" at a global political summit in Italy.
"It's like on my watch: the Soviet people want to start everything from zero," he simply said, holding up his Raketa Big Zero watch. Newspaper headlines in Italy referenced this right away. Thus began the legend of "The Big Zero."
Also read: The history of GMT watches